The Justice Data website contains the data and documentation for our ongoing data collection efforts on transitional justice. This site includes project data for the Post-Conflict Justice (PCJ) dataset and the During-Conflict Justice (DCJ) dataset.
The Justice Data project began in 2005 at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). The idea was conceived by political scientist and theorist, Jon Elster, to empirically test claims from his 2004 book Closing the Book: Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective (Cambridge University Press). We have expanded this original effort to include the collection of data for processes implemented while armed conflict is ongoing.
Differing from existing datasets, our collection efforts focus specifically on justice processes which address those violations or crimes related directly to the conflict itself. As such, we do not catalogue all transitional justice efforts rather only those which are conflict related. Our data is compatible with the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset and can be easily included in analysis using that data format.